
Advertise your shop online
and only pay for sales results

Advantages of using affiliate marketing

No risk
Billing only for correctly completed orders - Cost Per Sale i.e. commission on sales

Return on investment
The commission-based cooperation model guarantees fixed cooperation costs and guarantees a return on investment

Publisher network
No restrictions on the number of publishers in the programme.

Customers from referrals
Thanks to publisher referrals, there is an increase in valuable traffic directed to the store leading to an increase in sales

You set your own
commission for publishers

affiliate programme

After registering an advertiser account, an intuitive wizard guides you through the process of launching your affiliate programme. You create a virtual space on the web to collaborate with publishers and account for sales results.

Publishers promote
your offer

publisher network

The publisher network is made up of a variety of thematic sites and social media users. The webeAds system tracks transactions made from publisher referrals and charges a set commission. You do not incur costs when there are no sales.

You only pay
for sales results

increase in sales

Publishers promote the shop's offer on their online spaces, so that advertising appears on multiple, diverse sites simultaneously. The image campaign is an added value to the affiliate activities of the publishers.

Affiliate Marketplace

A network of publishers recommending brands, products and services


  • Bloggers
    and influencers
  • Portals and thematic services
  • Social media users
  • Legal
    mailing databases
  • Search
    and comparison engines
  • Discount
    and cashback services
  • Remarketing
    and referral services
  • Webmasters
    and SEO specialists


Find out more about the benefits of affiliate marketing

Fill in the form and we will contact you


    How to become an advertiser?

    STEP 1

    We sign the contract
    and you integrate the service
    STEP 2

    We launch the
    affiliate programme
    STEP 3

    We engage
    publishers in promotion
    STEP 4

    You pay the
    commission on the transaction

    With webePartners tools,
    your business and sales will grow

    You manage the affiliate programme and optimise operations.

    Affiliate Marketplace
    Database of affiliate publishers ready to cooperate in the Cost Per Sale model

    Discount codes and promotions
    System for the distribution of discount codes, promotions and special offers

    Links, widgets and files
    Free affiliate tools that support online sales

    Statistics and reports
    Generated real-time sales reporting and detailed statistics


    Why become an affiliate advertiser


    Find out more