Call To Action! Is it still effective?
Data aktualizacji: 29.03.2022
1. What is it?
Call to Action (CTA) is an important element of marketing. It is an indispensable component of every website. Regardless of the purpose of the page existence, the Call to Action button always plays a major role – it leads the client or user to a specific action. A properly designed call allows you to increase the interest, sales or number of visits to the site. In the absence of a clear CTA for the user, the next step may be not too obvious. That’s why we need the right call (button) that will lead them to the goal.
2. Where and how to put the CTA button?
A good slogan should be based on a strong and stimulating vocabulary. The most common CTAs are: Check! Try it for free! Buy now! Subscribe to the newsletter and get a discount! However, we advise you to go beyond the obvious choices and match the CTA to the content of your blog or page.

Here are some tips:
– the icon must be easy to see and should bring attention to itself. Do not forget about the graphic design and fitting it to your website.
– the right place is an important element. The slogan must be above the mailing downline, recipients pay 80% of their attention to this area.
– in order to increase the number of clicks, we can place the CTA at the beginning and end of the content in the form of a reminder.

– when using CTA as part of the text, emphasize this section (as suggested by the hyperlink), increase the size of the font and its color.
– when using CTA as a button, it should contrast with the background of the content and be placed on a clear and free of text space, which will increase its visibility.
– the button should be of the right size to accommodate different sized devices.

– the CTA button should inform the recipient, where it will be redirected or where a click will lead.
– calling users in the first person of the singular increases clickthrough. For example: “I buy” instead of “buy”.
– many people are convinced by the message relating to time, emphasizing exclusiveness and limited availability.
3. Effective Call to Action
Which CTA is effective? First of all, you should clearly define what you expect from the user. If you want them to click on the button, post the message: “Click here”, “View details” or “More”. An effective move is to mention the benefits that the user will have when they execute the command.
In order to encourage potential customers to click, our Call to Action must be as transparent and encouraging as possible. Therefore, we should emphasize the benefits of using our call. We must convince the recipient that they are doing well. By subscribing to the newsletter, they will receive valuable and useful information for themselves and by buying the product through our link, they will make the best decision possible.
There are several ways to get a customer. The first of these is to include a concise description of the main benefit of the offer. The second is to place the product or result image next to the button. Of course, if we can, we should boast the exclusiveness of the offer: “Over 1000 people took advantage of the offer” or “Promotion ends in 5 hours”.

4. Test it!
Do not forget about researching the effectiveness of buttons! The A / B tests will help you, when you want to compare several different CTAs and check which recipients click the most and which cause the most expected actions.
You can also use a tool such as Omniconvert, where you can test your Call To Action without any specialist knowledge.