Personal data – how not to get in trouble
Data aktualizacji: 29.03.2022
Today, a few words about copyright and personal data, as well as some tips on how not to get into unnecessary trouble, creating your own work on the web.
Dissemination of the image requires the permission of the person depicted. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.
– Honorarium for posing for a photo. The received money is synonymous with consenting to the use of the image.
– Famous people. You can, for example, take pictures of them if they are at work, without any trouble. This applies even to politicians at electoral rallies or musicians during the concert.
– Audience. Fortunately, when you take a picture of a landscape, and someone just goes in the distance, you do not have to chase him with the agreement to use the image 😉
If you are looking for images on the internet and you are not sure if you can use them in one form or another, use the advanced search and select the appropriate option under the “right to use”.
check: Law on copyright and related rights – art. 81
To each of our mailboxes, a completely uninteresting message crept in – probably more than once. It is spam, i.e. the commercial information received electronically which the recipient did not order. However, not everyone knows that there is a fine for sending spam.
check: Act on electronic services – art. 10
Facebook operates on his own terms. Therefore, if you plan to organize a promotion or a competition here, first read their internal rules. For example, each such event must have regulations, as well as a full release of Facebook from responsibility before each participant.
check: Regulations of the Facebook page service – item III E
Here the most important is a clear sign. Necessarily, use the quotation mark and mention the author. The next important point is the purpose of the given quote. They can be successively:
Scientific goals – you use someone’s content to clarify a topic, for example by conducting classes or training.
Polemics – it is instinctive to quote someone’s statement when we disagree with him. Fortunately, it’s allowed.
The third case is the so-called “rights of the genre of creativity”. It means that the use of a quote is allowed in the case of an independent work referring explicitly to someone else’s work, or, above all, in a parody or cabaret.