How to earn on Facebook – how to effectively generate profit in social media?
Making money on Facebook is one of the most popular forms of monetizing your online activities.
However, it is worth knowing its exact specifics in order to be able to generate better and better profits. In this post, we reveal how to earn on Facebook some good money and what mistakes should not be made!
How to earn on Facebook – where to start?
Let’s face it, the most important thing in affiliate activities is the fan base and gaining their trust. It’s a long, labor-intensive process… but the more you commit to building your own community, the greater the benefits later on. Before you decide which portal to start promoting affiliate programs on, analyze all available statistics! The number of fans is not the only determinant of a channel’s potential, because it’s their engagement that matters most. Track the history of your profiles, whether your community reacts to what you post and what types of posts they respond most to. Analyze comments and private messages, thanks to which you will find out what your followers expect. If you recommend products that interest your audience, then earning money on Facebook will only be a matter of time!
You need to remember that each portal works differently, which should also be considered. Affiliation on Facebook can generate a lot of profit, but you need to wisely decide what you want to recommend to your fans. For example, on Instagram, products from categories such as fashion, cosmetics or interior accessories will do much better. In turn, Facebook will be better to advertise electronics, computer games, audio equipment etc. In those cases, apart from the advertisement itself, a reliable and detailed review is also important, which is difficult to transfer to Instagram. Earning money on Facebook is not very difficult, you can put the generated affiliate links not only in posts, but also in comments or private messages. Importantly, don’t hide from your fans that you want to earn money. If you are fair with them from the beginning, they will surely be fair with you in exchange!
How to earn on Facebook – the politics
Do not worry! This is not about political discussions at the family dinner! 🙂 We are talking about company policy because you have to remember that Facebook is a big corporation that is also focused on profit. Therefore, you have to consider that from time to time it introduces some changes that may slightly thwart your ranks. At the beginning of the year, there was a lot of talk about another revolutionary change that was to hit companies and brands by cutting their reach. If you’re sure your ad will work, it’s worth investing a little bit in post advertising to reach as many people as possible. However, earning on Facebook is not only about paid, sponsored posts. First of all, it’s the idea that counts. Of course, the funds you allocate for this purpose can pay off very quickly but remember that each ad should be well targeted. Otherwise, it may not give you the results you hoped for.
How to earn on Facebook – what should you avoid?
First of all, you shouldn’t forget that Facebook is very sensitive to all kinds of politically incorrect content. The list of forbidden words is constantly growing, so, first of all, avoid controversial and difficult topics so as not to endanger the administration of the platform nor your fans, because – as you know -everyone can have different views on certain topics. You will find many stories on the Internet (for example, unfortunate advertising campaigns that ended in a scandal), so it is better not to duplicate someone else’s mistakes. Earning money on Facebook has to be fair, so be careful that your posts are stylish and don’t offend anyone.

Additionally, remember that copyright also applies online. Make sure you use photos that you take or come from free sources. Therefore, it is best to choose your own creativity or free graphics from the Internet.

How to earn on Facebook or… maybe Instagram is a better choice for you?
It depends only on you and the specifics of your online activity. If the content you provide is more “photographic”, then it is worth supporting affiliate activities on Instagram more. However, when you also want to add a longer review to it, then Facebook may be a better solution. The most sensible thing to do is run both platforms in parallel and compare the results. Try to place your affiliate links in different places, experiment with the form of the posts and analyze the results! Thanks to this, you will be able to work out the most effective way to earn money through affiliation!
How to earn money on Facebook vs on Instagram
Let us present a short summary of the most important differences in affiliate activities on these two platforms so that you can see whether to earn money on Facebook or Instagram. Or maybe on both platforms?
many possibilities for posting affiliate links
ability to create long posts and describe individual photos
the quality of the photos is less important, what matters is the subject and ingenuity of creating posts
you get better ranges with videos than photos
a clickable affiliate link can be placed only in BIO or Stories (option for profiles over 10,000 followers)
it is worth using for affiliation when you run a highly profiled account, such as fashion, cosmetics, jewelry, children’s products, etc.
the quality of the published photos should be of great importance
Instagram gathers highly active users who are more likely to react to published content, but it is more difficult to persuade them to leave the website and go to external sites
How to earn on Facebook and Instagram – it’s easy and fun
Finally, a gift for you! Free e-book with practical examples of how to earn money not only on Facebook and Instagram. With affiliate links, you can monetize every online activity. See for yourself how easy it is!